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  • Vehicle Electronics

    Integrated circuits and microprocessors have been widely used at this stage, and many new control technologies have emerged at this stage.

  • 5G Communication

    As the infrastructure for the development of communication technology, the semiconductor manufacturing industry provides the possibility for the arrival of 5G technology and promotes the upgrading and iteration of technology.

  • 3C Digital

    Riding on the footsteps of the digital age, the 3C industry has gradually developed into a world-wide emerging technology industry. It is currently the fastest growing and most frequently changing industry.

  • Smart Home

    The smart home system is a smart housekeeper that integrates automatic control technology, computer technology, Internet of Things technology and other technologies.

  • Medical Treatment

    Cloud computing has been applied in the field of telemedicine, but it is still in a preliminary stage. Some key technologies are not yet mature, and system performance needs to be further improved.

  • Industry

    The integration of industry and the Internet aims to accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, improve quality and efficiency, and assist industrial enterprises with cloud computing and big data to create greater value.